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Amazon Luna streaming will run from a website and not an app

Apple has been blocking game cloud streaming apps on their iOS operating system for mobile devices which has made things difficult. This also means that Google Stadia. Microsoft xCloud and Nvidia GeForce have all been blocked from working through them. Essentially, Apple has restrictions for how apps operate on their platform. Amazon is taking a different approach which should technically mean, their streaming service should work for iOS devices.

Amazon Luna will be a “progressive web app” or PWA which means the service will run on a website that can be launched and run separately to the rest of your web browser. This means the service will have nothing to do with the iOS app store and should be able to avoid the restrictions due to this.

It’s uncertain how well this will work but hopefully, this means those using Apple devices will be able to use a cloud streaming service.

Matt started playing games after his Dad won an Nintendo 64 back in the late 90s, enjoying classics such as Super Mario 64, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Since then, he’s enjoyed all kinds of games and has always wanted to work with them in some way. He writes about them for Games on Luna and also contributes to other gaming blogs. He's extremely interested in cloud gaming (all platforms) and always talking up the latest news and information on them.

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