Amazon Luna News

xCloud vs Amazon Luna Google Stadia

Will Amazon Luna and Google Stadia survive next year?

The popularity of Google Stadia may be questionable however, Amazon Luna hasn’t entered full release yet and its survival is already being questioned. The Luna platform has been getting good comments from testers so far which is a great start though Microsoft has made a recent announcement which puts both Amazon Luna and Google Stadia at risk.

amazon luna best connection

More Amazon Luna invitations sent out

The Amazon Luna Twitter account posted a not so subtle tweet announcing “Well, it’s not NOT time to check your email for a Luna invitation again”. Which means as of December 1st, a new wave of...

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Amazon Luna streaming will run from a website and not an app

Apple has been blocking game cloud streaming apps on their iOS operating system for mobile devices which has made things difficult. This also means that Google Stadia. Microsoft xCloud and Nvidia GeForce...

Amazon Luna games

Amazon has officially joined the cloud gaming arena

Amazon has announced their upcoming new service which has flung them into the cloud gaming scene alongside Google. Amazon Luna is another on-demand cloud gaming platform where users can play games without...