The Shantae series is one of those games that have created a massive community and it continues to shine with its innovation and creative art style. The game is well worth playing if you like platforming and this type of games. But is this particular game worth your time on Amazon Luna?
The story is interesting because you play the role of Shantae and your city is attacked by pirates. Risky Boots is your main enemy, she is a pirate up to no good, and you try to fight her off. Then after you do that, you need to try and build a dynamo in order to defend your city. But that’s where the challenge comes into play. You must travel to various places so you can get the items you need for that dynamo. Bosses and various enemies have the parts you need, and it all flows together to create a pretty impressive and unique experience as a whole.
When it comes to gameplay, this is where Shantae: Half-Genie Hero shines quite a lot. The game is a mix between platforming and arcade titles. You can perform all kinds of dances, and that will help you shape shift into creatures in order to overcome obstacles. Transforming into all kinds of items just to avoid any challenges is engaging and very creative.
Aside from transformations, you can easily time the jumps and your attacks in order to eliminate enemies. The game has its main quest, but you can also enjoy some side quests too. These are your normal quests where you either have to collect items around a level or pick up an item and bring it back to a specific location. There’s nothing too hard about the game, it’s quite exhilarating and fun, but also engaging and rewarding at the same time. That alone does make quite the difference in the title. If you believe that the difficulty is low, they do have a hardcore mode that will make the game much less forgiving.
One of the coolest things in Shantae: Half-Genie Hero has to be its music. It’s catchy, it matches the game perfectly, and you will find yourself singing those tunes along whenever you enter the various levels. The voice acting in the game is also great and it fits the style of this title perfectly, which is very nice.
Overall, I believe that Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is a great game that everyone will love playing. Yes, it does take a bit to get into, and it has its fair share of challenges, but overall it’s a great, engaging and exciting platform game with a twist. Its DLC is also quite good too, with each DLC adding some bits of story, challenges and just more content for you to enjoy. It’s recommended to play the main story before you delve into the DLC, to avoid any spoilers. As a whole, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is a great package and an extraordinary platform game for everyone to enjoy on Luna!
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is a fun platformer with great visual design, good soundtrack and interesting characters. Another great game from WayForward Technologies!
- Gameplay
- Graphics
- Performance
- Story

Sarah Thompson
You'll almost always find Sarah talking about something Android-related or what game she's currently playing. Sarah started gaming on the PlayStation 2, playing classics such as Grand Theft Auto 3, Metal Gear Solid 2 and Jak and Daxter. Along with some part-time modeling, Sarah has written for a number of Android and gaming blogs over the past few years and is currently contributing to Games on Luna and other gaming blogs with news and game reviews.
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