Tag: Capcom

Devil May Cry 5 luna gameplay

Luna’s October Gaming Treats: From Devil May Cry 5 to Fresh Bites

As the leaves start to change and the weather cools down, there’s something even cooler brewing in the gaming world. Amazon Luna is here with a fresh batch of games to keep you entertained through October, and the lineup is nothing short of thrilling.

Devil May Cry 5 on amazon luna

Devil May Cry 5 Review

Devil May Cry 5 is the latest iteration of the Devil May Cry series and it brings in a unique twist into the mix, since we can play as up to 3 different characters in the game. Aside from the very popular...

RE2 on Amazon Luna

Resident Evil and Mega Man lurking on Luna this June

Our friends over at the official Amazon Luna blog have recently revealed this months games being released onto the Amazon Luna platform – Including classics Resident Evil 2 and 3 and Mega Man Legacy...

RE7 amazon luna

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Review

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is an interesting title that comes with a unique twist on the series. It plays in first person which is new to the series, and it also comes with a very interesting story....